je crois entendre encore

Je crois entendre encore


In the past, Nadir had fallen in love with a beautiful Brahman priestess named Léïla at a Brahman temple. Now, a veiled priestess has come to his village and he recognizes her as Léïla. He sings of his love for her which has not been diminished by the time they have spent apart.

Original text:

Je crois entendre encore,
Caché sous les palmiers,
Sa voix tendre et sonore
Comme un chant de ramier!
O nuit enchanteresse!
Divin ravissement!
O souvenir charmant!
Folle ivresse! doux rêve!

Aux clartés des étoiles,
Je crois encore la voir,
Entr'ouvrir ses longs voiles
Aux vents tièdes du soir!
O nuit enchanteresse!
Charmant souvenir!


I think I'm still hearing
Hidden under the palm trees
Her tender and sound voice
Like the song of a woodpigeon
O enchanted night
Divine rapture
O charming souvenir
Crazy intoxication! Sweet dream!

In the clearness of the stars
I think I'm still seeing her
Opening her long veils
To the warm winds of the evening
O enchanted night
Divine rapture
O charming souvenir
Crazy intoxication! Sweet dream!

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